A career at Vaasan

Vaasan employs some 1,400 professionals from different fields working in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In Finland we are just about 600 employees. We are a significant employer in the areas where our bakeries are located.

We have a job for you

In addition to bread, we bake great careers. This means that we offer you opportunities to develop yourself professionally and even find new career paths. We have interesting job opportunities both in Finland and abroad.

We are serious with our work but our everyday life at work include loads of humor and smiles. We are driven by our values that encourage us to openness, continuous renewal and development, and also to look outside your own job. You will get responsibility from day one.

Work in the bakery

A bakery is a place where several things need to click all the way from raw material mixing to baking and packaging. We need hundreds of employees to bread production and dispatching, people who at the same time take care of their own tasks and do seamless collaboration with other co-workers, without risking safety or quality.

A variety of experts work at the bakeries: supervisors, dough makers, bakers and pre- and shipment packers, just to mention a few.

Variable tasks from category management to field sales

We employ several occupational groups where people work, for instance, in sales, own shops, customer service, IT, procurement, HR, product development as well as communications and marketing.

There are specialist positions also in the bakeries in the areas of quality control, continuous development, and product and occupational health&safety.

Some of the roles and management positions cover also the Baltics region.

Global Graduate Program

International trainee program run by our owner Lantmännen Unibake offers a two-year career development path for enthusiastic change makers with a Master’s degree.

Read more about the program at Lantmännen Unibake website https://www.lantmannen-unibake.com/about-us/our-graduate-program/about-our-global-graduate-program/.